Increase Solar Panel Light Exposure
This Y adapter can be used to solve a number of problems you may face.
1. If your panel location is on one side of a peaked roof, that only gets sun for half the day, you can use this Y Splitter to link an additional solar panel that can go onto the opposite side of the apex, thus getting full sunlight through the day.
2. For climates in very northern latitudes additional panels can mitigate the low intensity sunlight in winter months
2. Alternatively, if you're looking to upgrade your tank series to the next model up you can do this by either buying the larger solar panel for the model you want and replacing the panel in its entirety (and upgrading the battery if it's a C180 you're upgrading to), or by adding an additional panel to the one you have via the Y Connect Cable.
Y Connect Upgrade Paths
Upgrading from a C60 to a C120 use the Y Connect and an additional C60 Panel (IRR-PANEL-TS5)
Upgrading from a C60 to a C180 use the Y Connect and an additional C120 Panel (IRR-PANEL-TS10) and a larger battery (IRR-TSBATTERY-44)
Upgrading from a C120 to a C180 use the Y Connect and an additional C60 Panel (IRR-PANEL-TS5) and a larger battery (IRR-TSBATTERY-44)